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Meet the Horizon Platform

We’re simplifying the process of analyzing complex financial data – making it accessible to everyone.

The benefits

Stock analysis and research can take up a lot of time and money, which can be overwhelming for investors. With Horizon we’re changing that, making it accessible to everyone.

ESG rating

The stock price is related to ESG where ESG expresses how far the company is in its sustainability journey.

Price Target

The target price is the price of a stock expected by analysts from large investment banks.


If this relation is larger then 1, the price is higher the the value of the company’s assets minus debt, etc., and vice versa.

Compare metrics between stocks in industries

Show the performance between stocks in the same industry, with green, yellow and red markings.

Fair Value

Which is a price setting of assets where cost, utility, supply and demand considerations are considered.


The price for 1 DKK earnings/profit, I.E. If the the number is 40, you pay 40 DKK for 1 DKK earnings/profit.


Show the development of earnings to various ratios.

Financial statements and consensus estimates

What are the expectations to a financial report and how has the estimates performed.

It’s not about Wall Street.

It’s about Main Street.

Obstacles for the good investment

With Horizon we’re changing that…

We’re simplifying the process of analysing complex financial data.

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